Woolworth Building | The Cathedral of Commerce

Woolworth Building | The Cathedral of Commerce

The Woolworth Buildingaka Cathedral of Commerce, is one of the most beautiful building in New York City, with 57 stories and 792 feet, was the tallest until the construction of 40 Wall Street and Chrysler building in 1930.

Build by Frank Woolworth owner and founder of The Woolworth Company (Foot Locker), he paid $13,5 million.

Designed in neo-gothic style by the architect Cass Gilbert with splendor and resemblance of european gothic cathedrals, using pinnacles, domes and gargolyes. Also designed The Supreme Court in Washington D.C..

The Woolworth Building was featured in the showdown of Walt Disney Pictures’ 2007 film Enchanted, and featured in the 1999 thriller film The Bone Collector.



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