4Food | Make your own burguer on twitter


4Food | New York City

Between Madison Ave. and 40th St, in heart of midtwon Manhatan, there’s a place named 4Food,where food is ordered via Twitter. This concept is made thinking about people who can’t stay away from its phone, not even lunch time.

That inititive let’s people save time, specially business man and women working around this crowded place on business hours. You can make your order from your phone or on the website, and then, pick it up on the restaurant. Also, you can make your own burguer, with your special recipe or taking any tweeted recipe from any other guy.

The tweeted recipes and orders are shown on a big screen inside the restaurant, and also, you can follow the trending topic burguer. Check this twitter acoount @4foodnyc to follow your order and trending topics.

You earn points to spend on the restaurant from every other people who ask for your burguer recipe, a kind of a burguer retweet. Funny!



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